România este printre cele mai sigure naţiuni din lume, potrivit unui raport al departamentului de stat american. În ultimii ani, ţara noastră a înregistrat cifre sub media europeană şi internaţională la infracţiuni precum tâlhărie, furturi şi alte fapte comise cu violenţă. Un vlogger american este doar unul dintre străinii care se declară uluiți de nivelul […]
The main idea of the text is to highlight the safety and security of Romania, as perceived by a tourist from the United States.
The American vlogger is surprised by the fact that furniture and even a piano are left unattended outside, something he considers unusual and unthinkable in New York City. This anecdote showcases Romania's low crime rates and fosters a positive image of the country's safety for tourists.
The main idea of the text is to highlight the safety and security of Romania, as perceived by a tourist from the United States. The American vlogger is surprised by the fact that furniture and even a piano are left unattended outside, something he considers unusual and unthinkable in New York City. This anecdote showcases Romania's low crime rates and fosters a positive image of the country's safety for tourists.